Parents are expected to co-operate who the School Authorities by ensuring the following-

  1. Their ward reaches the School in time. No student will be allowed to enter, if he/she is late without any proper valid reason and without letter of explanation from the parents.
  2. Their ward should wear clean and proper uniform as specified to School every day. The shoes should be polished every day.
  3. Their ward regularly attends the School. Proper leave procedure is to be followed. As per CBSE Rules and Regulations, minimum 75% attendance is compulsory for promotion to next higher class/appearing for Board Exams.
  4. Their ward brings in textbooks and notebooks according to the timetable every day. All the assignments and homework are completed by their ward. Textbooks and notebooks should be covered and maintained properly.
  5. They should check &sign the diary of their ward daily.
  6. Attending of PTM is compulsory for all the parents. Parents are asked to come along with their ward who should be in proper school uniform. Only parents are allowed for the PTM. No request will be entertained in case the student is not in proper school uniform.
  7. They are expected to pay the fees of their ward in time i.e. before 15th of every quarter. Fine will be levied if fee is not paid by the 15th of every quarter.
  8. They are expected to cooperate with the School Authorities by enforcing punctuality, regularity, personal cleanliness and discipline among their wards.
  9. Parents and guardians are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address, telephone numbers and mobile number.
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