Every student should bring the school diary daily.

  1. Pupils should be in the school premises at least five minutes before the school prayer or assembly. All pupils have to be present for the morning prayers. Student failing to attend the morning assembly will be marked absent for the day.
  2. The school uniform is to be worn on all school days.
  3. Pupils are required to put in 90 percent of attendance. Names of the students who are absent for more than 6 days without intimation will be struck off the nominal rolls of the School.
  4. A pupil suffering from any infectious disease must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that she can attend the school without risk of conveying infection.
  5. Students should try to excel in good manners. They should show respect to the school authorities and teaching staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions.
  6. No book (other than text books or library books) magazines or papers should be brought to the school without the Principal’s permission.
  7. The school reserves the right to compel the parents to withdraw their children if their progress in studies is unsatisfactory or their attendance is irregular or their conduct is harmful to other children.
  8. Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during the class hours of recess, without the knowledge of the principal.
  9. The daily requirements and tiffin have to be brought to school by the students. No items will be accepted at the reception or gate. They are strictly forbidden to wear gold ornaments in the school.
  10. Every pupil is obliged to take part in singing, physical, cultural classes, games and all the school activities.
  11. No collection for any purpose what so ever may be taken without the prior permission of the principal.
  12. All the students must speak in English in the class and the school premises.
  13. The principal has the right to suspend or require the withdrawal of any pupil, without having to state the reason, provided she is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
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