Low Leaded Bronze

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Low Leaded Bronze

Low leaded bronze is an alloy primarily composed of copper, tin, and lead, with the lead content usually below 0.5%. This alloy is known for its excellent machinability, good wear resistance, and moderate strength. It is commonly used in applications requiring low friction, such as bushings, bearings, and gears. The low lead content minimizes health risks while retaining desirable mechanical properties. The alloy is also resistant to corrosion, making it suitable for use in marine environments and other challenging conditions.

Equivalent Specification Tables:

Standard Symbol UNS EN BS JIS IS
ISO CuSn7Pb1-C (C) C93200 CuSn7Pb0.2-C LG2 BC6 IS 318
UNS C93700 (SAE 64) C93700 CuSn7Pb0.5-C - - -
EN CuSn7Pb0.2 - CuSn7Pb0.2 - - -
BS PB1, PB2 - - BS 1400 PB1 - -
JIS BC6 - - - JIS H5120 -
IS IS 318 - - - - IS 318

Note: The exact equivalents may vary slightly depending on the specific alloy composition and the standards applied.